Is America Now a Pagan Country? – AD FREE
Science, rationalism, human rights, and free society are all products of Christian civilization. So what will happen to America, and the West, as Christianity disappears? As John Daniel Davidson expla
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The MAGA movement is fully united about securing the border and deporting those […]
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I have showed this episode to both the “Prayer for a Biblical Worldview” monthly prayer meeting at our church as well as the “home group” I lead for our church. It is a real wake up call to believers, especially those who are more “senior”. Keep putting great content that gets behind the scenes and explains the “real war” we are in- the spiritual war, and how we can be part of the “resistance” movement Jesus called us to be as “salt and light” and as spiritual warriors who also have to deal with the human accolytes of the evil one. While they aren’t our primary enemy, we still have to vocally and actively counter and contradict the lies they tell to an unsuspecting world.